This page contains information for projects funded under the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) as well as both Innovative Medicines Initiative programmes (IMI1 and IMI2).
Documents for IHI projects
IHI project reporting documents and guidance
Periodic report template
The period report consists of two technical parts (A and B) and a financial part. It must be submitted by the project coordinator within 60 days of the end of each reporting period.
Periodic report template - technical part A
Part A is generated by the IT system in the grant management environment. It consists of structured web forms (e.g. summary for publication, deliverables, milestones, dissemination & exploitation of results, etc.) and can be found in the continuous reporting module of the grant management system. Project beneficiaries can update this information at any time during the project's lifetime.
Coordinators should read the IHI-specific guidance for coordinators on how to prepare the periodic technical report - part A (which focuses on the specificities of IHI JU and offers advice on preparing the content of the forms and deliverables) and the Funding and Tenders Portal instructions on continuous reporting (which explain step-by-step how to upload information and files to the portal), as well as the Horizon Europe Part A template.
Periodic report template - technical part B
Part B follows the Horizon Europe template but is tailored to IHI's specificities. It consists of a narrative description of the work carried out during the reporting period. All project beneficiaries should contribute to Part B in the periodic reporting module of the grant management system. The project coordinator should upload part B as a pdf document, review its contents and submit it to IHI within the deadlines.
View the IHI-specific part B template.
Periodic report - financial part
The financial part of the period report consists of the online financial statements and explanations on the use of resource by project beneficiaries.
Instructions on how to complete the financial part of the periodic report can be found here.
Certificates on the financial statements / contributions (CFS / CCS)
At the end of the project, a certificate needs to be uploaded for project beneficiaries who reach the threshold for the CFS (certificate on the financial statements) or CCS (certificate on the statement of contributions).
Download the model for the CFS (Word).
Guidance on the reporting requirements for IHI projects
IHI staff have prepared a presentation that guides projects through the reporting requirements (both financial and technical).
Watch the presentation | Download the slides
Deliverable template
Reporting in-kind contributions to operational activities (IKOP) and financial contributions (FC)
Guidance for IHI private members and contributing partners on when, what and how to report IKOP and FC was presented during a webinar in March 2024.
Download the slides | Watch the recording
Reporting in-kind contributions to additional activities (IKAA)
- IHI guidelines for in-kind contributions to additional activities (IKAA) (last update March 2024)
- Instructions on how to access, fill in and submit the IKAA plan/report form
- Terms of reference and annexes for the certification by independent auditors of the declaration of in-kind contributions to additional activities (IKAA) of IHI private members - pdf | Word
Guidance for IHI projects on other issues
Guidance to IHI project coordinators regarding Associated Partners 'case b'
This document describes the Associated Partner 'case b' status and guides project coordinators through the steps they need to follow to add an Associated Partner 'case b' to the consortium when preparing the Grant Agreement and amendments.
Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement
Links to the latest versions of these documents can be found on the Call documents page.
Documents for IMI2 projects
IMI2 project reporting documents
- Periodic report template (part B) - pdf | Word
- Deliverable template - pdf | Word
- Horizon 2020 data management plan (DMP) template (annotated version for the use of participants under Societal Challenge 1)
- Model for the CFS-Certificate on the financial statements (Annex 5) - Word
- EFPIA and Associated Partners’ annual financial reporting:
- IMI2 guidelines for reporting in kind and financial contributions by Members other than the Union and Associated Partners
- Terms of reference for certification by independent external auditors of in-kind contributions - pdf | Word
Need help on IMI2 reporting? Catch up on our webinars:
- Webinar on the IMI2 financial reporting rules for beneficiaries receiving funding (with a special focus on SMEs): slides – Q&As
- Webinar on the financial reporting on IMI2 in-kind contributions: slides – recording – Q&As
IMI2 Model Grant Agreement
The IMI2 JU Model Grant Agreement (MGA) is updated from time to time in line with the wider Horizon 2020 (H2020) MGA. The latest version of the IMI2 MGA can always be found via this link. Links to specific versions, along with the IMI2 Calls they apply to, are given below.
- Version 5 of November 2017 (applies to IMI2 - Call 13 on)
- Version 4 of May 2017 (applies to IMI2 - Calls 11 and 12)
- Version 3 of November 2016 (applies to IMI2 - Call 10)
- Version 2 of February 2015 (applies to IMI2 - Calls 1 to 9 inclusive)
Generally speaking, changes only apply to new Grant Agreements. However, in certain cases (for example when it is advantageous for beneficiaries), changes can be applied retroactively by projects whose Grant Agreements are based on older versions of the Model Grant Agreement. This document explains this in more detail and summarises what is new in later versions compared to earlier versions, and which changes apply retroactively.
Annotated Model Grant Agreement
The IMI2 Annotated Model Grant Agreement sets out the specific characteristics of the IMI2 public-private partnership, and helps applicants and project participants to understand and interpret the provisions of the IMI2 JU Model Grant Agreement.
Grant agreement amendments
IMI2 Grant Agreement Amendments Guide - pdf | Word
Consortium agreement
All project partners must sign a consortium agreement that sets out participants’ rights and obligations and addresses issues like governance, liability and intellectual property rights. The agreement should be adapted to the needs of each project. A template prepared by EFPIA shows what a consortium agreement might look like. Consortia may also use alternative templates if they wish.
Other relevant documents for IMI2 projects
- Summary of the most relevant provisions for participating in IMI2 projects
- Checklist for assessing the eligibility for IMI2 funding for companies with an annual turnover of EUR 500 million or less - pdf | Word
Documents for IMI1 projects
IMI1 project reporting documents
- Periodic report template - pdf | Word
For the last reporting period, a single report combining the final report and the periodic report for the last period should be submitted (see template below). - Deliverable template - pdf | Word
- Final report template - pdf | Word
- Reporting requirements for IMI1 periodic and final reports - Guidance for participants
- Template for the final report on the distribution of EU contributions - Excel
- Explanatory note on the thresholds to be considered for the submission of a Certificate on Financial Statements (CFS) by beneficiaries at the end of their participation in IMI1 projects
IMI1 interim review documents
IMI1 Grant Agreement and Financial Guidelines
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Core Document
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex II
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex III - Form A - pdf | Word
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex IV - Form B - pdf | Word
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex V - Form C - Excel
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex VI - Form D pdf - | Word
- IMI1 Grant Agreement Annex VII - List of Special Clauses
- IMI1 Financial Guidelines
The Financial Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Grant Agreement. - Factsheet highlighting the main changes in the major revision of the IMI1 Grant Agreement of April 2012
Grant Agreement amendments
Certificates on Financial Statements (CFS)
- Certificates (CFS) issued by external auditors - IMI Guidance notes for beneficiaries and auditors of IMI1 projects
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - Certificates issued by external auditors