Call documents

Guidance, templates and links for people planning on applying to be part of an IHI project.

Key documents and links

Before preparing your proposal, we recommend you read the legislation creating IHI, the IHI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, and the annual work programme to ensure you understand IHI, its goals, and how it works.

Proposal templates and annexes

The following templates and annexes can be downloaded from the Funding and Tenders Portal submission system, and via the links below. Some annexes are compulsory for certain calls / stages. Unless specified otherwise, annexes should be uploaded into the submission system as separate documents.

Note that some templates and annexes, as well as the evaluation form, were updated for IHI calls 9 and 10, and applicants under these calls should use the new versions. However, applicants under IHI call 8 should continue to use the previous versions.

Research and Innovation Actions – full proposals (single-stage calls, and second stage of two-stage calls)

  • Proposal template – Part A
    Part A of the proposal is generated by the IT system in the submission system, where applicants insert general information on their proposal (e.g. proposal acronym), details of the participants, the budget, information on ethics and security, as well as other type of information (e.g. information on clinical studies). For more information, see the Horizon Europe Part A template here. (Note that only Part A of this template applies to this call. For Part B, see below.)
  • Proposal template – Part B 
    Part B should be completed by the consortium and uploaded into the portal. Note that a new version of this annex applies from IHI call 9 on. Applicants under IHI call 8, stage 2, should complete the previous version.
    IHI call 9 on: pdf | Word
    IHI call 8, stage 2 ONLY: pdf | Word
  • Annex: Budget and type of participants (single-stage calls from IHI call 9, and stage two of two-stage calls from IHI call 10 on) Excel

    Compulsory annex for single-stage calls from IHI call 9 on, and stage two of two-stage calls from IHI call 10 on. Applicants under IHI call 8, stage 2 should use the separate type of participant and budget annexes given below. Read the instructions on how to complete this annex:
    Instructions on the budget table
    Instructions on the type of participants table

  • Annexes: Type of participants and budget (IHI call 8, stage 2 ONLY)
    Applicants under stage 2 of IHI call 8 must complete the following compulsory annexes:
    Type of participants - Excel. Instructions on how to complete this annex can be found here.
    Budget -  Excel. Instructions on how to complete this annex can be found in the file itself.
  • Annex: Declaration of in-kind contribution commitment pdf | Word
    Compulsory annex for all single-stage calls.
  • Annex: Contributing partner application letter(s) Word
    Compulsory annex for single-stage call consortia involving contributing partners. Instructions on how to complete this template can be found in the template itself and in the Guide for Contributing Partners.
  • Annex: In-kind contributions to additional activities Excel
    Optional annex for single-stage calls and the second stage of two-stage calls.
  • Annex: Essential information for clinical studies Word
    Compulsory annex for single-stage calls and the second stage of two-stage calls. which must be uploaded as a separate document in the submission system. If your proposal does not include clinical studies, please upload a statement declaring that your proposal does not include clinical studies.
  • Annex: Ethics (no template)
    Optional annex for single-stage calls and the second stage of two-stage calls. Part A of the proposal includes an ethics self-assessment. However, if the proposal raises many serious ethical issues, the character count in Part A may not be enough for applicants to provide all the information needed. If this is the case for you, you should provide any additional information on the ethical aspects of your proposal in a separate document and upload it as an ethics annex. Note that there is no specific template for this annex

Research and Innovation Actions – short proposals (first stage of two-stage calls)

  • Proposal template – Part A
    Part A of the proposal is generated by the IT system in the submission system, where applicants insert general information on their proposal (e.g. proposal acronym), details of the participants, and the budget. For more information, see the Horizon Europe Stage 1 Part A template here. (Note that only Part A of this template applies to this call. For Part B, see below.)
  • Proposal template – Part B pdf | Word
    Part B should be completed by the consortium and uploaded into the portal.
  • Annex: Type of Participants (short proposals) Excel
    Compulsory annex for short proposals. Instructions on how to complete this annex can be found here.
Evaluation form (for single- and two-stage calls)
  • Evaluation form
    IHI call 9 on: pdf
    IHI call 8, stage 2 ONLY: pdf
Grant agreement and consortium agreement

Grant agreement

  • Horizon Europe General Model Grant Agreement
    The model grant agreement may be updated from time to time – this link will always take you to the latest version.
  • Annotated Model Grant Agreement
    The annotated model grant agreement provides detailed information and guidance on all points raised in the model grant agreement.

Consortium agreement

All project partners must sign a consortium agreement that sets out participants’ rights and obligations and addresses issues like governance, liability and intellectual property rights. The agreement should be adapted to the needs of each project. A template prepared by the IHI founding industry members shows what a consortium agreement might look like; it is available on the websites of COCIR, EFPIA, and MedTech Europe. Consortia may also use alternative templates if they wish.

Waiver request regarding IHI's right to object to transfers of ownership / exclusive licensing of results

According to Annex 5 of the Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement, IHI JU has a right to object to transfers of ownership or exclusive licensing of results generated within the framework of the action. Beneficiaries that intend to transfer ownership or grant an exclusive license to an affiliated entity outside the project may, in certain circumstances, apply for a waiver to this right to object. This waiver must be submitted following signature of the grant agreement, but before signature of the accession form. Waiver requests should use the template letter below. More information can be found in the IHI Guide for Applicants.

  • Template letter for requests to IHI to waive its right to object pdf | Word