Health spotlights

Discover how our projects are having a real impact on research in diverse areas.

Mental health disorders
IHI and IMI projects are shedding light on the biological basis of mental health disorders and finding new ways to diagnose and treat patients.
IHI and IMI projects are investigating cancer from A-Z, exploring its complexities, investigating prevention measures, optimising treatments, and improving patients’ quality of life, in alignment with the EU's Beating Cancer Plan.


Our projects cover the whole spectrum of dementia research, from basic research to clinical trial design and the use of big data...
Our diabetes projects are delivering results on all types of diabetes as well as the complications associated with the condition.


Data management
Our data management projects are advancing the way we use 'big data' to carry out health research while protecting patient privacy.
Patients in research
We consider patients equal partners that can and should play an active role in the medicines R&D process, and our projects are driving progress in this area.


Paediatric medicine
Medical innovation has often been slow to trickle down to children and adolescents. IMI's paediatric research portfolio is changing that.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) benefit from participation in IMI / IHI projects in a variety of ways.


Clinical trials
The way that we carry out clinical trials can be improved, and IMI is funding a variety of projects that seek to optimise the process.
IMI projects contributed significantly to the development of Ebola vaccines and diagnostic tests.



Vaccination prevents up to three million deaths per year worldwide. IMI/IHI research helps to improve vaccination regimens.
AMR: the legacy of COMBACTE
The COMBACTE projects have built networks of AMR experts, exploring how infection affects people differently and supporting clinical trials for new AMR treatments.