Job opportunities

Want to join the IHI team? Find out about our latest opportunities here.

Current vacancies at IHI

Procurement and Contract Management Officer
Contract Agent (M/F/X)
Ref.: IHI/2025/CA/001
External applications: Grade FG IV
Deadline for applications: 14 April 2025 at 23:59 CEST (Central European Summer Time / Brussels time)
Location: Brussels, Belgium

Scientific Project Officer
Temporary Agent (M/F/X)
Ref.: IHI/2025/TA/001
Grade: AD 5
Deadline for applications: 03 April 2025 at 23:59 CEST (Central European Summer Time / Brussels time)
Location: Brussels, Belgium

All jobs and details of how to apply are posted on our career portal. Candidates are also invited to read this annex that forms an integral part of IHI vacancies and provides information on how to complete an application, the steps of the selection process and appeal procedures.

Status of IHI selection procedures

Details of the current status of our selection procedures can be found in this document.

Working for IHI

Thank you for your interest in working for IHI. We employ two main categories of staff at the IHI Programme Office - Temporary Agents and Contract Agents. All posts are advertised here, and the selection procedures governing the selection of Temporary and Contract Agents are as follows:

  • Temporary Agents – Recruitment is organised by IHI and all vacancy notices are published on our website. When applying for vacant positions, you should follow the instructions in the vacancy notice. We do not consider spontaneous applications. Please consult this section regularly for open vacancies and selections.
  • Contract Agents - Contract Agents are recruited in a similar way to Temporary Agents. Alternatively, we may recruit candidates who have already successfully passed an EPSO selection test for the relevant function group (with valid status in the EPSO database) and whose profile corresponds to the requirements of the vacant post.

More information on the recruitment of Temporary and Contract Agents can be found in the following documents:the IMI Recruitment Policy, and the procedures on the engagement and use of Temporary Agents and Contract Agents. Temporary and Contract Agents are employed under the Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union.

  • Trainees (stagiaires) - Through our traineeship programme, we provide young university graduates, or those who (in the framework of lifelong learning) have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career, with an opportunity to obtain first-hand experience of working in an international and multi-cultural environment and support the activities of the world’s largest public-private partnership in life sciences.
    IHI JU organises open calls for trainees and all vacancy notices are published on our website. When applying for vacant position, trainees should follow the instructions in the vacancy notice. We do not consider spontaneous applications. Each application is screened based on the eligibility criteria. The most suitable candidates are contacted for an interview to discuss their expectations and availability. The Executive Director takes the final decision on the appointment of the selected candidate. The traineeship programme lasts from 3 to 6 months. Further information on this opportunity can be found in the rules and procedures of our traineeship programme and the rules on the use of trainees.
How to apply

To apply for a position as a Temporary Agent, Contract Agent or Trainee at IHI, you will have to submit an application for a published vacancy via our online career portal. We do not consider unsolicited or spontaneous applications. We also encourage you to read this annex that forms an integral part of IHI vacancies and provides information on how to complete an application, the steps of the selection process, and appeal procedures.

Interim job opportunities

At times, we may require additional temporary staff to address short-term and specific needs. Interim staff work at IHI's premises, but are employed by a temporary work agency. Should you be interested in an interim contract, please register with our current service providers: RandstadStartpeople and Daoust. The most suitable candidates are contacted for an interview to discuss our expectations and their availability.

Data protection

All personal data provided by applicants will be dealt with in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC. For more information, please read the specific privacy notice on selections and recruitment.

Note regarding IMI and IHI

Some documents in this section are still marked as coming from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). The legislation creating IHI repeals the legislation creating IMI, and IHI is the legal and universal successor in respect of all contracts, including employment contracts and grant agreements, liabilities and acquired property of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking established by Regulation (EU) No 557/2014, which it replaces and succeeds.