Project-COMFORT aims to make microsampling techniques, which collect minute amounts of blood and can be carried out at home, a standard part of healthcare.
Project-COMFORT aims to make microsampling techniques, which collect minute amounts of blood and can be carried out at home, a standard part of healthcare.
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) organically grew into a powerhouse of international alliances. The new partnership’s multi-sectoral nature means that the catchment will...
PRISM is in talks with the EMA on the use of data from smartphones and wearables as biomarkers of social functioning in neuropsychiatric disorders.
The papers in Frontiers in Neurology demonstrate how public-private collaborative research through IMI and now IHI is making a difference in the Alzheimer’s disease field.
The AMR Accelerator is a proven model for the development of new antimicrobial drugs, experts say