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Discover our new brochure: IHI 2023 In Focus

New to IHI and want to see what we’re all about? Our new brochure, IHI 2023 In Focus, outlines our main achievements in 2023.

02 July 2024
Woman reading tablet. Image credit: fizkes via Shutterstock
Woman reading tablet. Image credit: fizkes via Shutterstock

2023 was a year of firsts for IHI – the launch of our first projects and the appointment of our first Executive Director.

We’ve compiled a brochure outlining the main highlights of 2023 – including an introduction to our new projects, some initial statistics on the launch of calls 3 and 4, a selection of impactful results from our  IMI projects, and our strong track record for administrative issues and gender balance within our organisation.

This brochure will give you a “first taste” of IHI's 2023 achievements, so if you’re new to IHI, this is a good place to start. But if you want to delve into more details, all the information in IHI 2023 In Focus and much more can be found in our Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2023, which is now online.

Dive in and find out more!