IHI and IMI - laying the foundations of the EHDS

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PPPs are key to boosting Europe's competitiveness – a word from our director

We have had a busy start to 2025 at IHI with the launch of our call 9 and call 10, as well the start of a set of exciting new projects – in this newsletter you can read about PharmEco and RealiseD. RealiseD is timely – today is Rare Disease Day and in this project, we are supporting the development of clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases. The project will develop innovative trial designs and methods to increase enrolment – critical areas to identify better treatments for currently underserved patients.

Developing Europe’s capabilities for cross-border clinical trials and making better use of health data were singled out in the Draghi report as key areas to improve European competitiveness and attractiveness for investment. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are key to success in both these areas and in this newsletter, we have an article on how our large portfolio of data projects is working to help lay the foundations for a successful launch of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Happy reading!

Niklas Blomberg, IHI Executive Director

IHI and IMI: Laying the foundations of the European Health Data Space

Health data will be smoothly and efficiently transferred from one researcher to another, with the informed consent of patients, under the European Health Data Space. Image credit: Gorodenkoff via Shutterstock.
IMI and IHI projects provide a neutral platform where public and private datasets can be shared within a secure environment. This means that IHI and IMI projects are the perfect testing ground for fulfilling the ambitions of the European Health Data Space.
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Niklas Blomberg. Image credit: Innovative Health Initiative
IHI’s Niklas Blomberg on the new applicant-driven call 9 and why IHI is like a strand of DNA
We sat down with IHI Executive Director Niklas Blomberg to find out why IHI is piloting an applicant-driven approach in call 9, what IHI expects from applicants, and why IHI is like a DNA double helix.
Hands of diverse team members assembling jigsaw puzzle. Image credit: Fizkes via Shutterstock.
Watch our webinar on IHI contributing partners
This webinar is packed with useful information and is a must-watch for both potential contributing partners and coordinators of consortia involving contributing partners.
Person undergoing an eye exam. Image credit: People Images - Yuri A via Shutterstock.
MACUSTAR receives third nod of approval from regulators
The European Medicines Agency issued a third letter of support for the development of new biomarkers and clinical endpoints for a condition that blurs vision and can lead to blindness.
COMBINE researcher Yojana Gadiya
Directing the power of AI towards finding compounds to combat antimicrobial resistance
The COMBINE project trained an AI model to improve the selection of compounds that can fight multi-drug resistant bacteria – a newly published paper outlines how they did it.
Scientist viewing breast cancer cells on slide. Image by Komsan Loonprom via Shutterstock
Discover IMI and IHI’s impact on cancer
Our projects are investigating the complexities of cancer, enhancing prevention measures, figuring out how to diagnose patients earlier, optimising treatments, and researching how to improve quality of life.
Pink pills rolling off the production line. Image by IM Imagery via Shutterstock.
PHARMECO plans ‘green revolution’ in medicines manufacture
The new IHI project will deliver practical tools and resources to support environmentally-sound decision-making when designing manufacturing processes.
The word RARE written in colourful blocks, lying on a wooden surface. Image by Bankrx via Shutterstock.
RealiseD targets paradigm shift in clinical trials for rare diseases
The new IHI project aims to deliver tools and resources to facilitate the set-up and conduct of trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases while minimising the burden for patients.
A close-up of a healthcare working carrying out a blood test on a patient. Image by Med Ved via Shutterstock.
New project set to make blood tests simpler and more patient-friendly
Project-COMFORT aims to make microsampling techniques, which collect minute amounts of blood and can be carried out at home, a standard part of healthcare.
Blurred image of businesspeople at coffee break at conference meeting. Image by Matej Kastelic via Shutterstock.
IHI at the Successful R&I in Europe 2025
Meet IHI at the exhibition of the Successful R&I in Europe 2025 in Düsseldorf, Germany, on 6 and 7 March.
Tired woman with glucometer. Image credit: Light Field Studios via Shutterstock’
Catch up on our event on diabetes complications
The event showcased how IMI projects BEAt-DKD and HypoReolve contributed to our understanding of diabetes complications such as hypoglycaemia and kidney disease.