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Masterclass – how to unlock the potential of data sharing in collaborative projects

Join us for an interactive session that will introduce you to practical tools and resources to help you share data with confidence when working in collaborative consortia.

A green traffic light against a blue sky with a few fluffy white clouds. Image by Eddie J. Rodriquez via Shutterstock.
Image by Eddie J. Rodriquez via Shutterstock.

Do you need to share data but don’t know where to start? Are data sharing difficulties holding up your project’s progress? Data sharing is key to the success of many innovation projects in the biomedical domain, but doing it in practice can be easier said than done.

Join us on 4 September for an online masterclass that will introduce you to the basics of data sharing in collaborative projects and guide you to practical, tried and tested solutions to some of the most common challenges faced by those sharing privacy-sensitive or IP-sensitive data in collaborative projects.

The masterclass will be based on the new Data Sharing Playbook, which was produced by EFPIA. It draws on years of experience sharing data, internally and externally, in both Innovative Medicines Initiative and Innovative Health Initiative projects. Designed for all parties involved in data sharing in large, collaborative consortia, the playbook sets out the main concepts and roles/functions involved in data sharing; the key decisions that need to be taken; and strategies to try to prevent and address common challenges. Finally, the playbook provides links to a wealth of resources regarding data sharing, including examples, templates, guidelines, standards, and more.

Using case studies, the speakers will walk participants through the Data Sharing Playbook, demonstrating how it can be used in practice to rapidly find and implement solutions to data sharing challenges. There will also be plenty of time for questions, so participants can get advice on their own data-related challenges. By the end of the session, participants will be well placed to use the Playbook in their own projects so that project partners can focus their efforts on what really matters: advancing collaborative and impactful research to improve health outcomes.


Registration is free but obligatory via this form. If you have specific questions relating to data-sharing in consortia, feel free to enter them in the 'questions and comments' field of the registration form!