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In conversation with... ITCC-P4

How to build vital tools for childhood cancer research

Child with cancer smiling in hospital. Image credit Adobe Stock.
Child with cancer smiling in hospital. Image credit Adobe Stock.



About the ITCC-P4 project


Cancer is still the leading cause of death by disease seen in children in Europe. Yet childhood cancers are relatively rare and are different in nature to most cancers found in adults, presenting particular challenges to cancer researchers.

The ITCC-P4 project has delivered a system composed of tools that can help researchers from both the public and private sector to identify promising molecules that could form the basis of new drugs to treat childhood cancer. This will help researchers to prioritise which drug candidates to test in children and accelerate the time it takes for those medicines to reach the clinic. 

The toolkit includes  validated models, a unique database outlining comprehensive molecular data about childhood cancers, an international consensus on the preclinical data needed to support paediatric drug development, and a new methodology to define the relevance of certain drug targets based on literature analysis. One of the key results was the development of  PDX models of many childhood cancers, from the more common forms of cancer to relapses and rare cancers.  PDX models are made from a combination of patient-derived tumour tissue and mouse models, and they have proven to be an effective way of studying cancer in adults but are not yet widely used in childhood cancer research.

ITCC-P4 has set up a new non-profit organisation which will continue to provide these vital tools and expertise to cancer researchers going forwards.



About the event



This 45-minute online event will discuss the results of the ITCC-P4 public-private partnership and how the work of the project will continue to deliver impact past the project’s end. Featuring key researchers from both the industry side and the public side as well as the patient perspective, this conversation will highlight the key achievements of the project and the next steps. The Q&A box will be open for your questions throughout the event and the panel will answer questions at the end.



Meet the speakers


Chief Operating Officer

Paediatric oncologist
Gustave Roussy Comprehensive Cancer Center

Nicole Scobie


Board member

President Emeritus

Lou Stancato

VP Enabling Technologies  & Leader, Pediatric Rare Diseases
Indiana Biosciences Research Institute

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Indiana University School of Medicine

Nathalie Seigneuret

Senior Scientific Project Manager
Innovative Health Initiative