States' Representatives Group

The SRG is consulted on a range of issues, including draft call topics and links to national and regional initiatives.


As the name suggests, the States' Representatives Group (SRG) consists of representatives of the EU Member States as well as countries that are associated to Horizon Europe.

When IHI was launched, the European Commission asked these countries to nominate SRG members and the names, contact details and bios of the delegates can be found via the Members tab. The current Chairperson of the SRG is Martha Cahill of Ireland, and the Vice-Chairperson is Jasper Claessen of the Netherlands. They were elected in early 2024 and will remain in their posts until 10 March 2026.

  • Read our interview with Martha Cahill on how the SRG contributes to IHI.

The SRG is consulted and invited to give an opinion on a range of issues, including:

  • draft work programmes, including draft calls for proposals;
  • links to Horizon Europe and other EU, national and regional initiatives;
  • the involvement of different types of organisations in IHI projects, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and newcomers;
  • actions taken on the dissemination and exploitation of results;
  • updates to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

In addition, the SRG reports on and acts as an interface when it comes to potential areas of cooperation or complementarities between IHI and relevant national or regional research and innovation programmes. Members also report on actions taken at national or regional level regarding dissemination and communication.

Finally, the SRG can issue, on its own initiative, opinions, recommendations or proposals to the Governing Board or the Executive Director on technical, managerial and financial matters as well as on work programmes and other documents, in particular when those matters affect national or regional interests.

The chairperson and vice-chairperson attend the meetings of the IHI Governing Board as observers.

All EU Member States and countries associated to Horizon Europe have been invited to nominate two delegates to be part of the IHI States' Representatives Group (SRG). The names and organisations of the delegates nominated so far are provided here, along with their bios where available. If you want to get in touch with your local SRG member, we can provide you with their contact details upon request.

To be appointed  
To be appointed  
Hemma Bauer Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Kathleen D'Hondt Vlaamse overheid, Dept. Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie
Bosnia and Herzegovina  
‌To be appointed  
Michel Israel National Center of Public Health and Analyses, “Physical Factors” Directorate
Darija Mahović Lakušić

University Hospital Centre Zagreb

Christina Miltiadous
Andromachi Katsonouri
Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, Directorate of Research and Innovation
Ministry of Health, State General Laboratory
Radislav Sedlacek ‌Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Emma Emilie Højer Winther
Lasse Wolthers
Both at  Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
Argo Soon ‌Departement of International Research Cooperation, Estonian Research Council
Faroe Islands  
To be appointed  
Sampo Sammalisto ‌Business Finland
‌Thomas Lombès
Sheyla Mejia Gervacio
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Direction générale pour la Recherche et l'Innovation, Délégation aux Affaires européennes et internationales
Maia Rukhadze ‌Center of Allergy and Immunology, International Relations
Jan Skriwanek
Olivia Kamden
‌Both at DLR Project Management Agency
‌Zoe Cournia ‌Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens
Klára Horváth
Krisztina Tálas
‌National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Department for International Affairs
Express Innovation Agency
‌‌To be appointed
Martha Cahill (SRG Chairperson) ‌Enterprise Ireland
Nati Bloch Damti ISERD, Israel Innovation Authority  
Giulio Pompilio ‌University of Milan, IRCCS Monzino
‌‌To be appointed
‌Uldis Berķis ‌Ministry of Education and Science, Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation   
‌Solventa Krakauskaitė
Raimondas Martinavičius
‌Kaunas University of Technology       
Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, Innovation Department, Innovation Policy Division
‌To be appointed  
To be appointed  
‌‌To be appointed
‌‌To be appointed
‌‌Jasper Claessen (SRG Vice-Chairperson) ‌Directie Geneesmiddelen en Medische Technologie, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport
New Zealand  
To be appointed  
‌North Macedonia
‌‌To be appointed
Nils Olav ‌Refsdal
Margarethe Biong
‌Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, Department of Specialist Health Care Services
Research Council of Norway
‌Tadeusz Bednarczyk
Dagmara Robakowska-Hyżorek
‌Ministry of Education and Science, Department of Innovation and Development
National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), National Contact Point
Ana Rita Pinto
Anabela Isidro
Both at AICIB (Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica / Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation)
Ștefan Busnatu ‌Ministry of Health, Cabinet Minister
‌‌To be appointed
‌Iveta Hermanovska    ‌Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, Institute of Research and Development   
‌Jure Janet ‌Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje (National Institute of Public Health), Center za informatiko v zdravstvu (Center for Healthcare Informatics)   
‌Marta de Diego Zori
Marta Gómez Quintanilla
Both at ‌EU Programmes Division, Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), Ministry of Science and Innovation
‌Dobril-Philip Petkov VINNOVA
To be appointed  
Selcan Türker ‌TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)   
To be appointed  
United Kingdom  
Louise Jones
Cynthia Bullock
Medical Research Council (MRC) - UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)



Key documents

Details of how the States Representatives Group works are set out in the SRG rules of procedure.

Agendas of IHI States Representatives' Group meetings
